Use of colloidal silver as an choice medication is widely known for plenty years ago. This article adds some suggestions on the benefits of this suspension for conjunctivitis. Colloidal silver contains suspension of good debris of silver in dispersion medium of distilled water. It possesses remarkable herbal antibiotic houses which allow it to fight a variety of infections caused by virus, fungus, micro organism, and plenty of other microorganisms. It can fight off even those micro organism that are becoming immune to ordinary antibiotic drug treatments. Another talents is that colloids are one such submicroscopic debris of matter that may penetrate in the course of the membranes of the cells in our body. Work: She was in authority for adorning and re constructing the Prime Minister’s Office, Parliament House Colonnade 1985–1989, Hyderabad House and the Rashtrapati Bhavan the President’s House in New Delhi. Website: sunitakohli. asp, unita Kohli Indian Interior Designer and president of K2india. 2. Kohelika Kohli She was on the list of top rated Architect Designers in India in 2018 Kohelika Kohli is a analysis based Architect dressmaker and CEO of K2 India. She is legendary for having large adventure in old architectural assignment and architectural repair.